Carpinteria Seal Sanctuary
Walk Along the Carpinteria Bluffs to the Seal Rookery
on Sunday, F
ebruary 19th at 11:00am has reached Maximum Capacity
Join us for a docent-led walk along the Carpinteria Bluffs for a Seal Watch. We will be greeted at the Bailard Avenue Parking Lot and led to the Harbor Seal Rookery Overlook. The City of Carpinteria closes the beach from December 1 through May 31 of each year during the pupping season. Volunteers monitor rookery activities to divert any human or dog encroachments to minimize disturbances to the pups. Data is collected that includes multiple daily counts of both adult and pups, any disturbances to the rookery, injured animals and the number of visitors observing the seals. The Carpinteria rookery is one of four remaining rookeries on the Southern California Coast. For more information about the Seal Sanctuary visit Carpinteria Seal Watch.
The community of Carpinteria procured the Carpinteria Bluffs, a special parcel of coastal open space for its natural scenic beauty and for the opportunity it provides for people to experience the wonder of nature. Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs, a nonprofit organization, worked in partnership with the Land Trust for Santa Barbara County to spearhead the acquisition. Please visit Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs to learn more.