HCSB Annual General Meeting
HCSB Annual General Meeting
Please join us on Thursday, January 14, from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the University Club of Santa Barbara, 1332 Santa Barbara St, Santa Barbara.
This event will be free of charge and open to all HCSB members and their guests.
For Harvard alumni who have not yet joined, annual membership is only $35. Membership can be paid at the door or online.
There will be a selection of wines and other beverages, as well as hors d’oeuvres. So that we have the right quantity of refreshments, we ask that you sign up on the list to the right.
A brief business meeting will be held at around 6:15 p.m. Members who would like to place an item on the agenda should contact the President. Time will be set aside for discussion and questions.
Two board members' 3-year terms are ending (Albert Lindemann and Joe Ullian), while another board position may become vacant. Seven is the maximum number of board members as currently established in the bylaws, but there can be fewer. If you are a HCSB member and are interested in serving on the board, please contact the President.
Please see the map on this page for the location of the University Club. Onsite parking is available, entrance on Santa Barbara St.
Try to RSVP by Jan. 6
View photos from this event here!