HCSB Annual General Meeting

HCSB Annual General Meeting

Please join us on Tuesday, January 13, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the historic Chapel of the Santa Barbara Presidio, 123 East Canon Perdido St, Santa Barbara.

This event will be free of charge and open to all HCSB members and their guests.

For Harvard alumni who have not yet joined, annual membership is only $35. Membership can be paid at the door or online.

There will be a selection of wines and other beverages, as well as hors d’oeuvres.

A brief business meeting will be held at around 6:00 p.m. Members who would like to place an item on the agenda should contact the President. Time will be set aside for discussion and questions.

The last meeting resulted in the election of four new board members. Since then the President, Alex Mersereau, resigned and moved out of the area. The Board subsequently invited Sarah Fox to join it, leaving it at seven members [Albert Lindemann (President), Elliot Brownlee (Vice-president ), Ken Sherman (Secretary), Jim Schelling (Treasurer), Joe Ullian, and Richard Lowenthal]. Seven is the limit as currently established in the bylaws, so there will be no need for further elections at this meeting.

For further photos of the Chapel and general information about the Presidio (including directions), please see the webpage of the Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation.  Parking will be available at the Presidio lot, directly adjacent to the Presidio on East Canon Perdido. Look for the raised gate at the entrance to the lot. There is also a public parking lot nearby on Anacapa Street.

Please try to RSVP by Jan. 5


View photos from the event here!